
Your Hosts…

Flouer: "Queen Bee"

Currently Flouer is the Director of Blues Dance New York, through which she hosts a weekly blues dance called F'nBlues NYC; and holds workshops with Alfredo Melendez and various other local and national instructors. She is excited to be hosting Nocturne Blues for the second year in a row! Flouer is deeply dedicated to building community through Blues dancing, and believes that people physically moving and learning together can lead to truly powerful experiences.
Mike B.: "King Bee"

On his way to tackling Blues Dance one fishtail at a time, Mike B. specializes in event organization, scene building, and public speaking. He has hosted National and International events for the last decade in New York City, Las Vegas, Montreal, and San Francisco. As an instructor, performer, and emcee, he has been hired to travel to the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and throughout the United States. You can usually find him on the dance floor at Friday Night Blues NYC.
Melissa Cohen: "The Slayer (of homelessness)"

"With every dance event, there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the e-mails, the website, and the forces of homelessness. She is... your Housing Coordinator."
Erin Nichole Boyt: "Yoga Master & Daytime Coordinator Extraordinaire"

Dance plays a very big role in my life. I love Blues dancing because it lets me connect with others by speaking without words. Through all the ups and downs in life, dance has been the one constant. It's the thing I come back to when I need to remember who I am.

Erin is originally from Neosho, Missouri and currently lives in Seattle where she is a choreographer and Artistic Director of Version Excursion Dance Company.

Ginger Baker: "Mistress of Minions"

Ginger is our Volunteer Coordinator. She is awesome, and that is all you need to know.
Mark Gilman: "Tourist Coordinator Extraordinaire & Brilliant Blogger"

He is the terror that flaps in the night. He is the wrong number that wakes you at 3AM... He is someone who watched way too much television as a child. Mark has had a thrilling life preserving wild unicorn habitats, beating badgers at poker, and becoming 2004's official Mister Pretty, Pretty Princess. He also has magical lists of places for out-of-towners to explore, eat, and eat some more to help replenish the butts they will have danced off. Also, if you read something cool about Nocturne Blues, he likely wrote it because Science!

"Honestly dance has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I was a phenomenally socially and physically awkward person before I came to dance. It took an incredible amount of perseverance to get to the level where I felt confident that others enjoyed my dancing and I am so glad I hung in there. For me dance is part artistic expression, part emotional catharsis, and part tent-revival; it has made my life that much more awesome. Also, I can talk to girls now."


  1. I just added a housing page on this site (as well as the one already on OpenDance) so you can see what we are up to with it. See you in August!

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